April is Sexual Assault Awareness Month (SAAM)

Apr 01st, 2022

Join us in honoring the 21st annual SAAM

Silver Spring, Md., April 1, 2022 — April is Sexual Assault Awareness Month (SAAM), a time to raise awareness of sexual violence, support survivors, and promote the importance of prevention and education in our communities. Today marks the start of the 21st anniversary of the first official SAAM.

Each SAAM, the Maryland Coalition Against Sexual Assault (MCASA) strives to empower Marylanders to take part in preventing sexual violence in our communities. This year, MCASA is continuing their campaign “Moments Create Movements,” to spotlight how single moments can create major change in the sexual violence prevention movement. MCASA is asking Marylanders to share how they take steps to prevent violence in their life and what communities can do to improve safety. MCASA will highlight the actions being taken and work being done every day by individuals, groups, and communities across the state. Anyone who lives or works in Maryland is invited to add their voice to the campaign that will be shared on MCASA’s social media in April.

This SAAM, MCASA is also spotlighting college students on campuses across Maryland who are working to prevent sexual violence in their communities. The series launches on April 4th with an interview with University of Maryland College Park student leaders of the student organization Preventing Sexual Assault (PSA) featured in MCASA’s newsletter, Frontline. MCASA’s spotlighting of student activists will continue on MCASA’s podcast and social media channels throughout the month.

Community members can keep up-to-date with MCASA’s Online #SAAM on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram. Learn more by visiting: https://mcasa.org/prevention/sexual-assault-awareness-month.

Support is always available to survivors of sexual violence, even as the COVID-19 pandemic continues. To find information on your local Rape Crisis Center, including hotline numbers and available services, please visit: https://mcasa.org/survivors/find-a-rape-crisis-center. The Sexual Assault Legal Institute (SALI) provides comprehensive legal services related to sexual violence to victims and survivors of sexual assault in Maryland, including child sexual abuse. For legal inquiries, please contact SALI at 301-565-2277.

MCASA is the federally-recognized state sexual assault coalition responsible for certifying comprehensive rape crisis/sexual assault programs to ensure services are survivor centered. MCASA's core members are the State's 17 rape crisis centers, and the Coalition also represents the voices of many other member professionals, programs, and service providers working with sexual assault survivors. MCASA includes the Sexual Assault Legal Institute (SALI), which provides direct legal services to victims of sexual violence across the state of Maryland. MCASA is the leading public policy advocate for survivors of sexual assault in Annapolis and more information about 2022 legislative priorities and services for survivors can be found at www.mcasa.org.


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