Changes to Maryland’s Outdated Rape Definition Means Victims No Longer Have to Prove Physical Resistance

Apr 20th, 2017

A recent Huffington Post article highlights upcoming changes to Maryland’s sexual assault statutes, modernizing the state’s law to clarify that victims of rape are never required to physically resist an attack. With the new law scheduled to go into effect in October, this change is a significant improvement which will make a difference in the lives of sexual assault survivors.  In the article, MCASA’s Executive Director and Counsel Lisae C. Jordan, Esq., responds to the long-overdue change: “This is a sea change for sexual assault survivors in Maryland,” said Lisae C. Jordan, executive director of the Maryland Coalition Against Sexual Assault. “It is a fundamental improvement in how the law responds and respects women who were assaulted. In essence, it means that no means no.” Jordan makes the point that recent media attention in Maryland regarding unfounded rape cases played a role in getting this legislation to the forefront. “This brings our law in line with women’s expectations, with society’s expectations and the way we should treat everyone regarding sexual violence,” Jordan said. To read the full article, please click here.

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