MCASA in the News: The Pervasive Nature of Sexual Harassment in Our Society

Sep 20th, 2017

An article from Bustle reacts to actress Amber Tamblyn’s recent New York Times Op-Ed about society’s disturbing tendency to dismiss women’s allegations of sexual harassment. In her Op-Ed, Tamblyn wrote about her experiences in the entertainment world, and discussed the many barriers to reporting sexual harassment women face.  Citing Maryland Coalition Against Sexual Assault (MCASA) materials, the article details some common reasons why victims do not report sexual harassment, including concerns about retaliation from a perpetrator, their school, their workplace, or third parties; not being believed or being accused of lying about the harassment; receiving unwanted attention from reporting; and feeling that there is nothing that can be done.

If we hope to put an end to sexual harassment and violence in our communities, we must create an environment in which victims feel safe coming forward, knowing they will be believed and taken seriously.  To help end sexual violence in Maryland, join our efforts here.

To read the original article, please click here.

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